The 2022 – 2023 GRMPA Committee Chairs:
- Citrus Sale: Nadine Wilkes and Anja Becker
- Pancake Breakfast: Nadine Wilkes and TBD Parent
- Snack Shack: Anne Berutti
- Roadies: TBD, rotating captains
- Prop Masters: Pam DeLuca and Dan Walker
- Sound & Prop Engineering: Jonathan Duckett and Bob White
- Spirit Wear: Sarah McGrath and Jeannine Majewski
- Marching Band T-Shirt Orders/Sales: Sarah McGrath
- Chorus Liaison: Cristy Yi
- Photographer: Julie Stolte
- Videographers: Dan Walker and Jesus & Cristy Yi
- Webmaster: Kris Ramanathan and TBD
OPEN COMMITTEE CHAIR POSITIONS for 2022-2023 – Contact Sarah McGrath
- Signage (corner sign on Ridgewood): OPEN
- Refreshment Committee Chair (Train Station Kick off, Citrus Breakfasts): OPEN
- Jazz Band Coffee House: OPEN
- Talent Show: OPEN
- Cabaret Night: OPEN
- Senior Day: OPEN
- End-of-Season Marching Band Dinner: OPEN
Volunteer a little or a lot. We are a friendly, inclusive and organized group, taking great pride in what we do and the supportive music community we have created.
Parents with children in the Chorus, Color Guard, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Marching Band, Madrigal Choir, Percussion Ensemble, and String Orchestra are encouraged to become active members of the organization.
Communications /Public Relations
Volunteers lend their professional expertise, serving in roles including public relations, photography coordinator, video production, Web master/administrator, Web site writer/editor, and Web site publisher. Our Web site is the hub of GRMPA and the communications team provides the critical links to connect our efforts for the public, students, parents, and volunteers.
Concession Stand
What better opportunity to help the hardworking young musicians of Glen Ridge than by serving food at the football games? GRMPA runs the Snack Shack for every home game. We purchase, prepare, and sell refreshments—everything from lemonade and popcorn to chili and hot dogs. This year, volunteers will also be selling some Spirit Wear items, like the T-shirt featuring this year’s marching band show, Aaron Copland’s Rodeo. This is a great chance to have fun and meet fellow Ridgers while helping raise important funds that are used for music parent–supported programs all year long.
Citrus Sale
GRMPA’s biggest fund-raiser is a town-wide citrus fruit sale in November with delivery in December. Parents organize and drive; kids sell, pack, and deliver fruit. Music kids and parents from all the programs participate. The Citrus Committee Team does the behind-the-scenes paperwork and route planning starting in mid-October. The sale usually takes place in mid-November with two fruit deliveries in December and February/March. You can volunteer to be on the Citrus Committee or volunteer as a driver, tallier, or hospitality team member.
Twice in the spring, in March and in May, GRMPA volunteers provide the coffee and treats during the Glen Ridge High School Jazz Band performances in the Glen Ridge High School cafeteria. Volunteers are needed to donate baked goods, set up, sell goods, and clean up.
Marching Band Props
A parent prop master leads the effort with the music director to create and build the props for the Marching Band show. Parents with construction skills and those who can hold a paintbrush are encouraged to participate, too. Volunteer to lend your talents! Usually in mid-September.
Marching Band Dinner
This dinner officially completes the Marching Band season. Held in the cafeteria, all band parents and families are invited to attend. Senior band members speak about their Marching Band experiences and awards and varsity letters are given out to reward exceptional work. The Marching Band dinner team produces the dinner from invitation to decorations to food and audiovisual and supports the GRMPA President and Music Director to create a memorable evening to celebrate the season and the Marching Band community. The Marching Band Dinner team works September to November.
Pancake Breakfast
Students and parents work side by side for the annual GRMPA Pancake Breakfast held each mid-March on a Saturday morning at the Glen Ridge Congregational Church and now in its 5th decade! In February, a team coordinates, parents drive, and kids sell tickets. On the day of the breakfast, the parents work in the kitchen and the kids serve the pancakes to the public—a great Glen Ridge tradition. Volunteer to be on the coordinating team or just for a morning to drive during tickets sales or cook at the breakfast.
Roadies are the speedy carriers and trusty lifters of Marching Band equipment—they are the ones who get drum sets, percussion equipment, xylophones, props, and other crucial items on and off the field before and after every halftime show and competition. This year, Roadies will be providing assistance for seven competitions and at least five halftime appearances. Volunteer for the entire season, or on a week-by-week basis. Plenty of hands are needed to make sure the show runs smoothly. The Roadie team leader works with the Marching Band staff, handles volunteer sign-ups, and coordinates the Roadie team before each outing. Roadies also enjoy the best perk of all—being on the field with the Glen Ridge Marching Band during each performance as well as free admission to competitions.
Cabaret Night
The annual GRMPA Cabaret Night is a combination fund-raiser, community-builder, talent show, and one of the most enjoyable events of the year! GRMPA organizes a production featuring the talents of students, parents, and faculty in a true club atmosphere; these nights are usually hosted at the Old Canal Inn in Nutley. Volunteers promote the event, organize the lineup, sell advance reservations, and manage the event on-site. Volunteers are needed in January through mid-February, as well as the afternoon of the event.